Wavin case
Wavin and Phiro have worked together for several years, with Phiro providing product and environmental images as well as animations.
Updating manuals and assembly instructions with new photos can be a time-consuming process. First the desired product has to be produced, it has to be shipped, photographed and the images have to be edited before they are ready for use. If the new images are to be used in conjunction with images taken previously, it can be difficult to achieve continuity between the old and new images.
Wavin contacted Phiro when they were faced with the above situation. They wanted imagery that could be more easily updated. Phiro therefore had a product image study made that could be used for future reference, where lighting, camera angles and materials could be reused. The production method is fast, cheap and quite flexible if at a later stage there are requests for new angles, materials etc. The result was a series of images of Wavin products, delivered in the requested format, with a timeless look that fits into Wavin's graphic production pipeline.
The 3D scene and materials are thus in place when Wavin needs to create new product images. This means that marketing/sales can receive the desired material in a hurry and thus market/sell faster.
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